言い回しあるある ~ Aomori expressions
We will introduce some easily misunderstood expressions often used in Aomori.If you master these phrases, you too can become a respectful Aomorian!
ゴミを投げる Throw the rubbish
If you are told “それ投げておいて” (throw that for me), don’t just fling it somewhere nearby!Let’s use the rubbish bin, OK?!
手袋を履く Step into a pair of gloves
While “履く” is a verb usually used for things worn on one’s lower half such as trousers, skirts and shoes, in Aomori this verb is also used for when one puts on a pair of gloves.Throughout the rest of Japan, the verb “はめる” is usually used to describe the action of wearing gloves and is also used for rings.
荷物をつける Stick the luggage
We say we are “sticking the luggage” when we stack luggage into a car.
こまる I’m in a pickle!
The word “こまる” doesn’t just mean 困る (to be in a pickle/be put out), we also use it to describe bowing and the act of leaning the upper half of your body forward.When we use it in this way we pronounce the “る” (ru) strongly.
シャワーを着る Wear the shower
In Aomori the shower isn’t something we “bathe in” (浴びる) it is something we “wear” (着る).
ける I’m going to kick you!
In Aomori “ける” does not just mean “蹴る” (to kick) but also means “to give”.
車を引っ張る Pull the car
If someone tells you “わ (私)、車引っ張るよ” (I’m going to pull the car),don’t worry they aren’t about to perform a herculean feat, they are just going to drive the car.
お金を砕く Smash the cash
“お金を砕く” (smash/break the money) means to “break a note” (change money into smaller enominations).So it isn’t all that different from English!
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