青森あるある~ Only in Aomori
Welcome to Aomori City! This time, we want to let all of you who have moved to Aomori-regardless of whether you are from Japanor abroad- know a bit more about the prefecture/Aomori. To do so, we are going to introduce some of Aomori’s unique culture andcustoms that will make Aomorians blurt out “true, true!”
おせちは大晦日に食べる New Year’s meal is eaten on New Year’s Eve
In Aomori we feast on the New Year’s meal, sushi and New Year’s soba noodles etc. on New Year’s Eve and then eat the leftovers on New Year’s Day.
りんごはもらうもの! Apples are something you receive!
青森なのにイギリス?! English!? But I thought this was Aomori!
English Toast which has been cherished for many years in Aomori, is traditional English food…not! English Toast is a sweet pastry sold only in Aomori Prefecture.You can buy it easily in supermarkets and corner shops.
In Aomori, anime that is shown nationally is often broadcast a week late.And don’t even think about the popular dramas from Fuji Television shown at 9pm on a Monday.
お供え物を食べる Eating the offerings
When we visit a grave, we eat or take home the sweets and other food left as offerings on our own families’ and surrounding graves.It is believed to be done to avoid the food going rotten or being scattered everywhere when animals get a hold of it.
赤飯が甘い Sekihan(red rice)is sweet
As a rule, the seasonings in sekihan and chawanmushi (an egg custard dish) -which are usually savory- are sweet.
*青森市ホームページ > 市政情報 > 青森市はこんなまちです/国際・広域交流 > ぷらっと通信