If you become ill or injured in a foreign country, a visit to the doctor can be a challenging experience. You may worry whether or not you can explain your symptoms to the doctor or if the doctor can understand what you want to say.
In such a situation, please make use of the Multilingual Medical Questionnaire.
The Multilingual Medical Questionnaire was created as a means to help foreign residents in Japan to effectively communicate their symptoms to doctors in cases of illness and injury. The questionnaire has been translated into 18 languages.

翻訳されている言語 / The 18 languages available are:
中国語/Chinese | 韓国語/Korean | タガログ語/Tagalog |
ポルトガル語/Portuguese | スペイン語/Spanish | ベトナム語/Vietnamese |
英語/English | タイ語/Thai | インドネシア語/Indonesian |
カンボジア語/Cambodia | ネパール語/Nepali | ラオス語/Laotian |
ドイツ語/German | ロシア語/Russian | フランス語/French |
ペルシャ語/Persian | アラビア語/Arabic | クロアチア語/Croatian |
対応している診療科目 / The following types of medicine are supported:
内科/Internal Medicine | 外科/Surgery | 整形外科/Orthopedics |
脳神経外科/Neurosurgery | 精神科/Psychiatry | 小児科/Pediatrics |
皮膚科/Dermatology | 産婦人科/Obstetrics & Gynecology | 眼科/Ophthalmology |
耳鼻咽喉科/Otorhinolaryngology | 歯科/Dentistry | 全科目/All departments |
多言語医療問診票 / Multilingual Medical Questionnaire
The Multilingual Medical Questionnaire can be downloaded from the following website.

* The Multilingual Medical Questionnaire version available on the web was created by International Community Hearty Konandai, Illusion Mill, DIGITALIUM projects!, and the Kanagawa International Foundation, based on the original Multilingual Medical Questionnaire created by International Community Hearty Konandai.
診察を受けるときには次のものを持って行きましょう / Be sure to bring the following items when you visit the doctor:
- 健康保険証
- 在留カードや特別永住者証明書、またはパスポートなどの、身分を証明する書類
- 現金(医療費の支払いは現金(日本円)に限られます。)
- すでに服用している薬
- Health Insurance Card
- Residence Card,ets. or Passport
- Cash(medical treatment must be paid for in cash, in Japanese yen)
- Medicine you are currently taking
You may also want to write down your address, phone number, and symptoms for easy reference.
The Multilingual Medical Questionnaire is only meant to be as a support for communicating your symptoms. If you have difficulty communicating in Japanese, it is recommended to bring someone who speaks Japanese with you when you go to see the doctor.
Also, if you have some restrictions in what type of treatment you can receive due to religious or medical reasons (such as an allergy to medication), be sure to let the nurse know when you check-in.